Our Plans to Cut Greenhouse Gases

Greetings Blog Readers, I hope you are having a great week so far. We here at ecoShuttle are having a great week, and this is partly because we were quite pleased to hear President Obama outlining his plan to reduce carbon emissions.

State of the Union

Hello Blog Readers!  I’m not sure if any of you had a chance to watch the State of the Union, but I did, and here some environment-related takeaways that I noted:  First off, Obama has doubled down on green energy, in spite of pressure from his opponents:

Is “Clean Coal” Clean?

            When President Obama recently gave his State of the Union Address, he indicated that one of his goals in the future is to eliminate tax breaks for oil companies, and to use those tax dollars to invest in green energy to have our country deriving 80% of our electricity from clean energy sources.  Well, […]